Food for thought: The importance of nutrition for learning

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Did you know that when you complete your free health risk assessment (HRA) at any Dis-Chem, Clicks, PnP, Van Heerden, Sparkport or selected Alpha Pharm pharmacies, you unlock your Bestmed Tempo wellness benefits, including 3 dietician consultations for beneficiaries over 18, and 1 family nutritional assessment for free, all done by Bestmed contracted wellness dieticians?
So, just in case you were wondering, “Why should I go and see a dietician?” here are 5 key reasons why visiting a dietician can be valuable for you and your family’s wellbeing and overall health.
Your local dietician can develop a tailormade diet specifically for you. The aim of the diet would be to help you consume enough nutrients to keep you healthy and happy. It will consider your preferences, food intolerances, specific requirements, food allergies and even your budget. Tailormade plans can even be custom-made to fit your blood type, height and current weight. Diets that take these things into consideration are more likely to be effective than generic ones.
Dieticians are trained to advise you on the best eating plan in the case that you want to lose, gain or maintain your weight. They can offer you a variety of options to help you achieve your body goals without putting your health at risk. They will also go on the journey with you, by working out your body fat and body mass index and helping you to identify the best weight for your height.
Some of the major lifestyle-related chronic diseases such as cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart conditions require you to change your lifestyle habits in order to reverse the condition, manage it or avoid exacerbating the condition. Your local dietician can help you create a meal plan just for this reason. Better yet, if you are found to be a high risk candidate for any of these diseases, pay your dietician a visit and they can develop a diet that will help you to reduce that risk and prevent getting that disease.
If, for whatever reasons, you find yourself transitioning to vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan or a gluten free diet, we highly suggest that you pay your dietician a visit. They can help you identify foods to avoid and foods to add to your diet to help you transition to that new diet without losing the essential nutrients that you need to maintain a healthy body. The same applies for people who develop food-related allergies or conditions such as anaemia.
Ever wonder how rugby players get so big, short distance runners so shredded and long distance so lean? Besides their rigorous training, these athletes are also on strict diets. Their teams have dedicated dieticians to develop tailormade meal plans to help them achieve those optimal body types. Your dietician can do the same thing for you by creating a diet for the type of body you are trying to build or the type of sport that you enjoy.