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Spring has sprung and it’s time to get fit and live our best lives by staying active. Our free online Pilates classes, hosted on Zoom, are still open to all Bestmed members.
The classes are scheduled for Monday to Saturday for a period of 45 minutes per class. All members are welcome to join the classes and all the sessions are on the same Zoom link, ID and use the same passcode.
Day: Mondays to Saturday
Time midweek: 07:00; 09:00; 17:00; 18:00
Saturday class: 08:00
Zoom ID: 814 3533 1047
Zoom passcode: pilates (ensure that it’s all small letters)
Link: https://bestmed.zoom.us/j/81435331047?pwd=ZlNnV3dNY2V1eG81RjJuR1dJWGYrdz09
Why you should join our Pilates classes
Pilates is a form of exercise that was developed during World War I by Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer. It helps to condition your muscles, improving strength and flexibility. It especially focuses on developing your core muscles through small, controlled movements.
What you will need
You will only need a mat for our online Pilates classes. However, Pilates also uses specialised resistance equipment, such as the reformer, on which a wide variety of exercises can be done.
Everyone is welcome. Remember to consult with your doctor or qualified instructor if you’re pregnant, suffer from neck or back pain (or any other physical restrictions), or have respiratory problems. Also, be careful not to push yourself past your limits, as doing so may cause injury.