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Jun 14, 2023

June is a month of immense significance for South Africa. Celebrated as Youth Month, June offers South Africans from Pofadder to Phalaborwa the opportunity to come together and honour the resilience, and indomitable spirit of the nation's youth, especially those that fought for the ideals of a free and democratic republic.

During Youth Month, we also celebrate Youth Day on 16 June, remembering the pivotal 1976 Soweto Uprising.

On that historical day, a peaceful demonstration escalated into a violent confrontation between the police and protesting students. Tragically, many young lives were lost, and the day became a turning point in the struggle for democracy. The iconic photo of Hector Pieterson, captured by Sam Nzima, is still as haunting today as it was when it was first published all those years ago.

But Youth Month doesn’t just look at past events but champions the possibilities that the future holds for the younger generations.

From community initiatives to youth organisations, individual and collective efforts need to be highlighted during Youth Month and made a reality the rest of the year.

Empowering the youth

Not a responsibility but an opportunity. Each young person has the potential to be a true agent for progress and growth. Quality education, skills development, mentorship, and resources are crucial in enabling people to realise their true selves. It’s South Africa’s investment in its own future.

At Bestmed, we recognise the importance of CSI initiatives and sponsorships. These initiatives are aimed at empowering and uplifting the youth of South Africa.

Since the inception of Bestmed’s CSI initiatives, we’ve gotten involved in various projects that have made an enormous difference in the lives of people across the country. Among these projects are:

  • Palesa Pads - These are high-quality cloth pads that are washable and can be used for up to five years. The Palesa Pads are distributed in partnership with Unjani Clinics NPC for the past three years. This has enabled hundreds of young girls to stay in school and have uninterrupted education, helping them build their future successes.
  • Hockey kit donations - Bestmed, in partnership with SuperSport Let’s Play, donated hockey kits to schools in Tembisa as part of the SA Hockey league programme.
  • Nelson Mandela University (NMU) bus donation – Bestmed donated a 22-seater bus to NMU. The bus is used to provide medical students with much-needed transport to clinics and hospitals where they do their training.

The agents of change (not the name of a Marvel series)

For all its faults, social media has enabled people across the country to connect and fight for the causes they believe in. A lot of South Africans are activists at heart. By connecting with like-minded people, driving change that helps the country grow, and taking action and being the change, they’d like to see, young South Africans can be the agents of change that usher in a bright, prosperous future.

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